2015 Healy Meadows

George, Margo, Dave, Ivan and Dion got together for visiting and updating on Friday night. On Saturday the day started with poor road conditions, noting of a couple of accidents and congested traffic making the beginning of the day a bit worrisome. The group was the first on the trail with a couple cm of new snow at trailhead making for nice uphill ski on warm sunny day. The uphill trip was interrupted only by the noise from Sunshine’s frequent avalanche control activities. Lunch was in sunny meadow with gentle warm breeze keeping temperatures perfect.

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With obvious wind affected slopes up to Healy Pass and a considerable avalanche rating the group conferred at the treeline (kp 7.7). A decision was made to ski up the small knoll in the north end of Healy meadows. At this location the new snow was about 10 cm on top of a nice base. As there was no wind effect a few nice gentle turns resulted on the ski down the knoll.

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The group met only 4 other skiers on the trail, who were going into the Egypt shelter, so the ski-out was in excellent condition with veterans saying it was the best ski-out conditions they had ever seen on this trail. The day ended with a meal in Canmore and individuals then separating for different activities.